For a better employee experience take interest in them

Years ago I supervised a guy named Adam. Adam frustrated the crap out of me. He just didn’t seem to pick things up as quickly as I had wished – or should I say as quickly as I seemed to pick up things. I would see Adam and my stomach got into knots. Simple tasks took him two and three times as long as I had expected. I slowly started to distance myself from Adam. When I looked at Adam I saw ineptness, incompetence and a big “L” on his forehead. I found myself doing Adam’s work in order to complete our one project every month – to issue the financial report/book for our division. Yep, I was a horrible person. I was also young, needed to grow up and figure some things out. Notice I say “was.” I was 28 years old when I figured a lot of stuff out. How old are you? …